# %%
# Models and tokenizers
import pickle
import joblib
import nltk
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
import imblearn
# nmrezman
from ...utils import preprocess_input
# Misc
import os
# Typing
from typing import Dict
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# %%
def extract_comments(clean_note: str, comments_model: Pipeline) -> str:
For reports with findings, extract the related comment that led to the finding.
clean_note (`str`):
Preprocessed note
comments_model (`imblearn.pipeline.Pipeline`):
Pretrained comments model
# Define the tokenizer
nltk_token = nltk.tokenize
# Get a list of all the tokenized sentences in the the clean note
comments_X = nltk_token.sent_tokenize(clean_note)
# Get the highest probability predicted comment
comment_pred_probs = [comments_model.predict_proba([i.encode("utf-8")])[:, 1][0] for i in comments_X]
idx = comment_pred_probs.index(max(comment_pred_probs))
predicted_comment = comments_X[idx]
return comments_X[idx-1] + predicted_comment
[docs]def classifier(
data: str,
model_path: str,
) -> Dict[str, object]:
Results Management Classifier using biLSTMs according to Phase 01 of the project.
data (`str`):
Radiologist report
model_path (`str`):
Path to the folder with model checkpoints and tokenizer
.. note::
The model weights and tokenizer should be located in the specified folder as:
- ``findings_best_model.h5``
- ``comment_best_model.sav``
- ``lung_adrenal_best_model.h5``
- ``lung_recommend_best_model.h5``
- ``tokenizer.gz``
for the (i) Findings vs No Finding Model, (ii) Lung vs Adrenal Findings Model, (iii) Comment Extraction
Model, (iv) Lung Recommended Procedure model, and (v) tokenizer, respectively.
A dictionary which includes the (1) recommended procedure, (2) nodule type (if found), (3) boolean indicating
if a follow-up is required, and (4) the follow-up text (i.e., text of the report that indicates the finding)
as stored / referenced by the dictionary keys "procedure", "noduleType", "followUpFlag", "followUpText",
>>> report_txt = "a string with the radiology report text"
>>> model_path = "/path/to/checkpoints/phase01/"
>>> output = classifier(report_txt, model_path)
>>> print("Output:")
>>> [print(f" {key}:", value) for key, value in output.items()]
... Output:
... procedure: Chest CT
... noduleType: Lung
... followUpFlag: Findings Present
... followUpText: several pulmonary micronodules. follow-up in one year recommended.
# Define tokenizers
findings_tokenizer = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_path, "tokenizer.gz"))
# Load models
# - findings_model: model detecting if there is a finding or no finding (`findings_model_dict`)
# - lung_adrenal_model: model detecting if there is a lung or adrenal finding for reports with findings (`lung_adrenal_dict`)
# - comments_model: extract the relevant portion of report that mentions the finding
# - lung_recommended_proc: model to determine the recommended procedure for lung findings (`lung_recommended_proc_dict`)
# NOTE: Depending on your application, the models can be loaded differently / elsewhere (e.g., as globals that are always loaded)
findings_model = load_model(os.path.join(model_path, "findings_best_model.h5"), compile=True)
comments_model = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(model_path, "comment_best_model.sav"), "rb"))
lung_adrenal_model = load_model(os.path.join(model_path, "lung_adrenal_best_model.h5"), compile=True)
lung_recommended_proc = load_model(os.path.join(model_path, "lung_recommend_best_model.h5"), compile=True)
# Define label embeddings / enummerations for the three models
# Findings vs no findings model output
findings_model_dict = {
0: "No Findings Present",
1: "Findings Present",
# Lung vs adrenal findings model output
lung_adrenal_dict = {
0: "Lung",
1: "Adrenal",
# Lung recommended procedure model output
lung_recommended_proc_dict = {
0: "Ambiguous",
1: "Chest CT",
# Preprocess the note, getting the impression, removing doctor signatures, etc.
clean_findings_imp = preprocess_input(data, is_phase_2=False)
# Tokenize the impression
X = findings_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([clean_findings_imp])
X = pad_sequences(X, maxlen=300, padding="pre")
# Classify if there is a finding or not and get as layman text
y_pred = findings_model.predict(X)
y_pred_class = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)
follow_up_flg = findings_model_dict[y_pred_class[0]]
# Based on the finding, run through more model(s)
if follow_up_flg == "Findings Present":
# Finding detected; follow-up recommended
# Classify if the finding the lung or adrenal
lung_adrenal_pred = lung_adrenal_model.predict(X)
lung_or_adrenal_finding = lung_adrenal_dict[np.argmax(lung_adrenal_pred)]
# Get follow-up text
final_comment = extract_comments(clean_findings_imp, comments_model)
# Based on the finding type, get the procedure recommendation
if lung_or_adrenal_finding == "Lung":
# Lung finding run through another model to determine recommended procedure
lung_recommended_proc_pred = lung_recommended_proc.predict(X)
lung_adrenal_recommended_proc_label = lung_recommended_proc_dict[np.argmax(lung_recommended_proc_pred)]
# Only one recommendation for adrenal findings
lung_adrenal_recommended_proc_label = "Endocrinology Referral"
# No finding detected; no follow-up recommended, etc.
final_comment = "NA"
lung_or_adrenal_finding = "NA"
lung_adrenal_recommended_proc_label = "NA"
# Output includes classification and recommendations
output = {
"procedure": lung_adrenal_recommended_proc_label, # Recommended procedure. For "Lung" finding, "Ambiguous" or "Chest CT". For "Adrenal", "Endocrinology Referral"
"noduleType": lung_or_adrenal_finding, # Options defined in `finding_model_dict`
"followUpFlag": follow_up_flg, # "Boolean" for findings: "Findings Present" or "NA"
"followUpText": final_comment, # Follow-up text (i.e., text that indicates finding)
return output